Fiction, interviews, poetry, humor published on the web:
The story of an invisible hipster, published at PIF magazine.
Short story published on Invisible City, the University of San Francisco's literary magazine.
The author interview that ran in the Ginger Collect.
Seinfeld parody originally published in Satire Magazine.
Short story originally published in the Mississippi Review.
The first Frederick M Barclay story, published in Pindeldyboz. He later appears in the novel I'm the Bomb.
Humor piece originally published on the McSweeney's website.
Short story published on Pindeldyboz.
Flash fiction published in The Ginger Collect.
Flash fiction published in The Cabal.
Flash fiction published in The Airgonaut.
Short story published on Pindeldyboz.
A terrifying insurance report.
Surreal prose poem published in Mudlark.
Short story published in Juked.
The first thing I ever got published (sort of) in SPY Magazine.
Excerpt from Doctors & Monsters in Jokes Review.
Hate Street is a new comic strip from Morgan Hobbs, the author of the dark comic novels I'm the Bomb and Doctors & Monsters. The strip draws inspiration from David Rees's Get Your War On, Chris Onstad's Achewood, Dr. McNinja, Tom Tomorrow's The Modern World. Gary Larson's The Far Side, Max Cannon's Red Meat and Bill Griffith's Zippy the Pinhead.